Do you group want to study God's Word in a deeper way? Are you ruled by thoughts and feelings?

Would your life be better if you chose how to respond to circumstances? God's Word is rich with promises for our lives! This group will dig deeper in study and experience His promises

We meet every Wednesday morning right here at World Hope. Start time is 6:30AM and we end promptly at 7:30AM. No need for sign-up and you can start at any time.

Men's Breakfast

Hey Men! You want to be part of the Kingdom band of brothers? Whose desire is to FORGE strong battle plans and learn to fight the schemes of the enemy. Let's start with a great food to fill our bodies and  fellowship to strengthen our spirits.

Starting May 3rd, we will hold these times together in the FLC, the first Saturday of each month. Simply click the link below to let us know you are coming.

Costs? $5.00 pre-person. HOWEVER! Bring another dude with you for the first time and both of you get your breakfast for FREE.