Youth Leader: Kim White
World Hope Youth is a community where young hearts and minds experience God, growing in body and spirit. With prayer and fellowship become empowered by Faith to defend and share the gospel with local community and the world.
Core values embraces for our youth:
*Culture: Creating a safe place where everyone feels valued and heard.
*Discipleship: Helping young people delve into and grow in their faith.
*Individual Growth: Helping each young person develop their character and leadership skills.
*Sharing the word of God: Teaching young people about the Bible and how to embrace the Bible as a lifetime reference.
*Prayer: Learning how to talk to God and developing a relationship through prayer with Yahweh, Lord, our Father.
*Integrity: Living a life of accountability through all phases of life.
*Worship: Learning to appreciate worship for what it is, lifting it to God and valuing the time.
*Emulating Christ: Showing young people how to live a life of kindness and love.
*Equipping students: Helping young people develop the skills they need to serve others.
Preparing the YOUTH of today, to be the CHURCH of tomorrow.
Core values embraces for our youth:
*Culture: Creating a safe place where everyone feels valued and heard.
*Discipleship: Helping young people delve into and grow in their faith.
*Individual Growth: Helping each young person develop their character and leadership skills.
*Sharing the word of God: Teaching young people about the Bible and how to embrace the Bible as a lifetime reference.
*Prayer: Learning how to talk to God and developing a relationship through prayer with Yahweh, Lord, our Father.
*Integrity: Living a life of accountability through all phases of life.
*Worship: Learning to appreciate worship for what it is, lifting it to God and valuing the time.
*Emulating Christ: Showing young people how to live a life of kindness and love.
*Equipping students: Helping young people develop the skills they need to serve others.
Preparing the YOUTH of today, to be the CHURCH of tomorrow.

Our Youth meet Sunday Morning at 10 am
and every other Sunday Evening
from 6-7:30 pm
If you have any questions you may email
Kim White at kim@whwcnc.org
and every other Sunday Evening
from 6-7:30 pm
If you have any questions you may email
Kim White at kim@whwcnc.org

Day One
Read Genesis 1
Question: Of all the animals God created, which one is your favorite? Why?
Question: What was the Spirit of God doing at this point in creation?(Genesis 1:2)
Question: Six times in Genesis Ch.1, God mentioned that His creation was good. One time He said that it was very good. What did He mention as being very good?(Genesis 1:31)
Question: What does this chapter tell us about God's plan for people and His creation?
Read Psalm 19:1
Pray: Father, thank you for Your beautiful creation. As in Psalm 19:1, help me to see how the heavens display Your glory and the skies Your craftsmanship. May I always be grateful and do my best to take care of Your creation.
Question: What was the Spirit of God doing at this point in creation?(Genesis 1:2)
Question: Six times in Genesis Ch.1, God mentioned that His creation was good. One time He said that it was very good. What did He mention as being very good?(Genesis 1:31)
Question: What does this chapter tell us about God's plan for people and His creation?
Read Psalm 19:1
- Make a list of a few things God has created that are important parts of your life. Take a moment to thank Him for each.
Pray: Father, thank you for Your beautiful creation. As in Psalm 19:1, help me to see how the heavens display Your glory and the skies Your craftsmanship. May I always be grateful and do my best to take care of Your creation.
Question: Of all the animals God created, which one is your favorite? Why?
Question: What was the Spirit of God doing at this point in creation?(Genesis 1:2)
Question: Six times in Genesis Ch.1, God mentioned that His creation was good. One time He said that it was very good. What did He mention as being very good?(Genesis 1:31)
Question: What does this chapter tell us about God's plan for people and His creation?
Read Psalm 19:1
Pray: Father, thank you for Your beautiful creation. As in Psalm 19:1, help me to see how the heavens display Your glory and the skies Your craftsmanship. May I always be grateful and do my best to take care of Your creation.
Question: What was the Spirit of God doing at this point in creation?(Genesis 1:2)
Question: Six times in Genesis Ch.1, God mentioned that His creation was good. One time He said that it was very good. What did He mention as being very good?(Genesis 1:31)
Question: What does this chapter tell us about God's plan for people and His creation?
Read Psalm 19:1
- Make a list of a few things God has created that are important parts of your life. Take a moment to thank Him for each.
Pray: Father, thank you for Your beautiful creation. As in Psalm 19:1, help me to see how the heavens display Your glory and the skies Your craftsmanship. May I always be grateful and do my best to take care of Your creation.

Day Two
Read Genesis 2
Question: What did God do on the seventh day?(Genesis 2:1)
Question: How did God form man? (Genesis 2:7)
Question: How did God form every animal and bird? Genesis 2:19)
Question: What was the first thing about God's creation that was not good?(Genesis 2:18)
Reread Genesis 2:21-25
Question: What was God's answer to the thing that was not good?
Question: Based on verse 24, what was God's perfect design for marriage?
Pray: Father, thank you for the gift of life. Thank You for breathing life into me in order to give me life. Help me to rest in You and enjoy time with You and others. I also pray for my future spouse. Allow them to be living for and deepening their relationship with You.
Question: How did God form man? (Genesis 2:7)
Question: How did God form every animal and bird? Genesis 2:19)
Question: What was the first thing about God's creation that was not good?(Genesis 2:18)
Reread Genesis 2:21-25
Question: What was God's answer to the thing that was not good?
Question: Based on verse 24, what was God's perfect design for marriage?
- Develop a habit of resting on Sundays, just as God rested on the seventh day. Attend church, then spend extra time with God, family, and friends.
Pray: Father, thank you for the gift of life. Thank You for breathing life into me in order to give me life. Help me to rest in You and enjoy time with You and others. I also pray for my future spouse. Allow them to be living for and deepening their relationship with You.

Day Three
Read Colossians 1:15-20
One of the twenty-seven books in the New testament, Colossians was written by apostle Paul and Timothy to the church at Colossae.
Question: What role does the Bible say about how long Jesus has been around (Colossians 1:15-16)
Question: What does the Bible say about how long Jesus has been around? (Colossians 1:17)
Question: Who holds all creation together (Colossians 1:17)
Question: Who is the Head over the Church? (Colossians 1:18)
Question: How did God make peace with everything? (Colossians 1:20)
Read Isaiah 45:18
Pray: Jesus, thank You for holding all things together. Knowing You hold creation together and are the Head of the Church gives me confidence that You can desire to hold my life together. I ask that You make peace in my life and help me to know You better as my Creator. Amen
Question: What role does the Bible say about how long Jesus has been around (Colossians 1:15-16)
Question: What does the Bible say about how long Jesus has been around? (Colossians 1:17)
Question: Who holds all creation together (Colossians 1:17)
Question: Who is the Head over the Church? (Colossians 1:18)
Question: How did God make peace with everything? (Colossians 1:20)
Read Isaiah 45:18
- Write our Colossians 1:15 on a sticky note or index card.
Pray: Jesus, thank You for holding all things together. Knowing You hold creation together and are the Head of the Church gives me confidence that You can desire to hold my life together. I ask that You make peace in my life and help me to know You better as my Creator. Amen

Day Four
Read Psalm 139:7-18
Take a few moments to worship God for His care in creating you.
Pray: Father, I'm amazed that You took the time to create me in such a marvelous way! I am overwhelmed that You cared for me while I was in my mother's womb. Thank You that there is no place I can hide from Your Holy Spirit and that You are always near.
Pray: Father, I'm amazed that You took the time to create me in such a marvelous way! I am overwhelmed that You cared for me while I was in my mother's womb. Thank You that there is no place I can hide from Your Holy Spirit and that You are always near.