Video Resources
Healthy Foundations
Session 1
God desires, an intimate relationship with you rooted in a healed concept of who He is, the truth that He is completely good, and understanding that nothing can separate you from His unconditional love!
God desires, an intimate relationship with you rooted in a healed concept of who He is, the truth that He is completely good, and understanding that nothing can separate you from His unconditional love!
Session 2
God sees us as righteous through the lens of grace and deeply desires, a personal relationship with us. There is nothing we can or need do to deserve or earn this amazing gift other than believe in His love for us through the one He sent to die for us, His son, Jesus Christ.
God sees us as righteous through the lens of grace and deeply desires, a personal relationship with us. There is nothing we can or need do to deserve or earn this amazing gift other than believe in His love for us through the one He sent to die for us, His son, Jesus Christ.
Session 3
The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, in infallible Word of God, that sustains, fills, and gives us life and serves as our best line of defense in times of need and trouble. We are able to walk in the authority of the Bible if we daily choose to partake in the spiritual nourishment God provides through his word.
The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, in infallible Word of God, that sustains, fills, and gives us life and serves as our best line of defense in times of need and trouble. We are able to walk in the authority of the Bible if we daily choose to partake in the spiritual nourishment God provides through his word.
Session 4
Created in His image for the purpose of personal relationship, we have the ability to communicate with God. We learn His voice as we mature, through Worship, the Word, and Prayer. Everything starts with Hearing, Believing, and Obeying!
Created in His image for the purpose of personal relationship, we have the ability to communicate with God. We learn His voice as we mature, through Worship, the Word, and Prayer. Everything starts with Hearing, Believing, and Obeying!