Day 1: Hearing God's Voice Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Devotional: In our fast-paced world, it's easy to miss God's voice. Like young Samuel, we may hear God calling but not recognize it at first. This passage reminds us that God is patient and persistent in His communication with us. He doesn't give up after one attempt. Take time today to quiet your heart and listen. Ask God to speak to you and give you ears to hear. Remember, sometimes God's voice comes in unexpected ways - through Scripture, circumstances, or wise counsel. Be open to how He might be trying to reach you today.
Day 2: Seeking Confirmation Reading: Judges 6:36-40 Devotional: Gideon's story teaches us that it's okay to ask God for confirmation when we're unsure. God understands our doubts and fears. He's not offended by our need for reassurance. If you're facing a decision or feel God is leading you in a certain direction, don't be afraid to ask for confirmation. Look for it in Scripture, seek godly counsel, and pay attention to the peace in your heart. Remember, God is patient with us as we learn to trust Him more fully. He'd rather us ask for confirmation than move forward in doubt or disobedience.
Day 3: The Authority of Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Devotional: In a world of conflicting voices and opinions, God's Word remains our ultimate authority. Every word is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. When seeking God's will, always start with Scripture. Ask yourself: Does this align with God's Word? Be cautious of any "leading" that contradicts biblical principles. Spend time today meditating on a favorite Scripture passage. Ask God to speak to you through His Word and give you wisdom to apply it to your life.
Day 4: The Importance of Godly Counsel Reading: Proverbs 15:22 Devotional: We weren't meant to navigate life's decisions alone. God often speaks to us through the wisdom of mature believers. But be discerning - not all advice is godly counsel. Seek out those who know Scripture, demonstrate spiritual maturity, and genuinely care about your spiritual growth. They should point you back to God's Word and encourage you to seek His will, not just tell you what you want to hear. Is there a decision you're facing? Consider who in your life embodies godly wisdom and seek their input.
Day 5: Walking in God's Peace Reading: Philippians 4:6-7 Devotional: God's peace is a powerful indicator of His leading. This peace surpasses human understanding - it's not just a good feeling, but a deep, settled assurance even in difficult circumstances. When making decisions, pay attention to your inner sense of peace or unrest. If you're feeling anxious or unsettled about a path, pause and pray. Bring your concerns to God. As you surrender your will to His, allow His peace to guard your heart and mind. Remember, God's peace doesn't always mean an easy road, but it does mean He's with you every step of the way.

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